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Swords 101 Page 3
In Quartata :
In quartata - an attack made with a quarter turn to the inside, concealing the front but exposing the back.

In Time :
Coup de temps - when a stop-hit arrives at least one fencing time before the original attack.

Indirect :
Attaque indirecte - an attack or riposte that finishes in the opposite line to which it was formed, by means of a disengage or coupe'.

Insistence :
Coup droit d'autorité - forcing an attack through the parry.

Interception :
a counter-attack that intercepts and checks an indirect attack or other disengagement.

Invitation :
Invite - a line that is intentionally left open to encourage the opponent to attack.

Italian Grip :
Poignée italienne - a traditional hilt with finger rings and crossbar.

Jury :
Jury - the 4 officials who watch for hits in a dry fencing bout.

Lamé :
Plastron électrique - a metallic vest/jacket used to detect valid touches in foil and sabre.

Line :
Ligne - the main direction of an attack (eg., high/low, inside/outside), often equated to the parry that must be made to deflect the attack; also point in line.

Lunge :
Fente - an attack made by extending the rear leg and landing on the bent front leg.

Mal-parry :
Parade insuffisante - also mal-paré; a parry that fails to prevent the attack from landing.

Manipulators :
Manipulateurs - the thumb and index finger of the sword hand.

Maraging :
Maraging - a special steel used for making blades; said to be stronger and break more cleanly than conventional steels.

Marker Points :
an old method of detecting hits using inked points.

Martingale :
Martingale - a strap that binds the grip to the wrist/forearm.

Match :
Match - the aggregate of bouts between two fencing teams.

Measure :

Mesure - the distance between the fencers.

Middle :
Milieu de la lame - the middle third of the blade, between foible and forte.

Neuvieme :
"Septime haute" - an unconventional parry (#9) sometimes described as blade behind the back, pointing down (a variant of octave), other times similar to elevated sixte.

Octave :
Octave - parry #8; blade down and to the outside, wrist supinated.

Opposition :
Opposition - holding the opponent's blade in a non-threatening line; a time- hit; any attack or counter-attack with opposition.

Parry :
Parade - a block of the attack, made with the forte of one's own blade.

Pass :
Dépassement - an attack made with a cross; eg. fleche, "Russian lunge". Also, the act of moving past the opponent.

Passata-sotto :
Passata Sotto - a lunge made by dropping one hand to the floor.

Passé :
Coup passé - an attack that passes the target without hitting; also a cross- step (see cross).

Phrase :
Phrases d'armes - a set of related actions and reactions in a fencing conversation.

Piste :
Piste - the linear strip on which a fencing bout is fought; approx. 2m wide and 14m long.

Pistol Grip :
Crosse; poignée orthopédique -  a modern, orthopaedic grip, shaped vaguely like a small pistol; varieties are known by names such as Belgian, German, Russian, and Visconti.

Plaqué :
Coup plaqué - a point attack that lands flat.

Plastron :
Plastron - a partial jacket worn for extra protection; typically a half- jacket worn under the main jacket on the weapon-arm side of the body.

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