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Swords 101 Page 2
Cut :
Coup de taille - an attack made with a chopping motion of the blade, landing with the edge or point.

Deception :
Dérobement - avoidance of an attempt to engage the blades; see disengage, coupe'

Derobement :
Dérobement - deception of the attack au fer or prise de fer.

Direct :
Coup droit - an attack or riposte that finishes in the same line in which it was formed, with no feints out of that line.

Disengage :
Dégagement - a circular movement of the blade that deceives the opponent's parry, removes the blades from engagement, or changes the line of engagement.

Displacement :
Esquive - moving the target to avoid an attack; dodging.

Double :
Coup double - in epee, two attacks that arrive within 40-50 ms of each other.

Doublé :
Doublé - an attack or riposte that describes a complete circle around the opponent's blade, and finishes in the opposite line.

Dry :
Fleuret - (épée, sabre) mécanique also steam; fencing without electric scoring aids.

Engagement :
Engagement - when the blades are in contact with each other, eg. during a parry, attack au fer, prise de fer, or coule'.

En Garde :
En garde - also On Guard; the fencing position; the stance that fencers assume when preparing to fence.

Envelopment :
Enveloppement - an engagement that sweeps the opponent's blade through a full circle.

Epee :
Épée - a fencing weapon with triangular cross-section blade and a large bell guard; also a light duelling sword of similar design, popular in the mid-19th century.

False :
Fausse attaque - an action that is intended to fail, but draw a predicted reaction from the opponent; also, the back edge of a sabre blade.

Feint :
Feinte - attacking into one line with the intention of switching to another line before the attack is completed.

Fencing Time :
Temps d'escrime - also temps d'escrime; the time required to complete a single, simple fencing action.

FIE - (Fédération Internationale d'Escrime) Federation Internationale d'Escrime, the world governing body of fencing.

Finta in tempo :
Finta in tempo lit. - "feint in time"; a feint of counter-attack that draws a counter-time parry, which is decieved.

Fleche :
Flèche lit. - "arrow"; an attack in which the aggressor leaps off his leading foot, attempts to make the hit, and then passes the opponent at a run.

Flick :
Coup lancé, - "Bingo" a cut-like action that lands with the point, often involving some whip of the foible of the blade to "throw" the point around a block or other obstruction.

Florentine :
Combat à la Florentine - a fencing style where a secondary weapon or other instrument is used in the off hand.

Flying Parry or Riposte :
a parry with a backwards glide and riposte by cut-over.

Foible :
Le faible de la lame - the upper, weak part of the blade.

Foil :
Fleuret - a fencing weapon with rectangular cross-section blade and a small bell guard; any sword that has been buttoned to render it less dangerous for practice.

Forte :
Le fort de la lame - the lower, strong part of the blade.

French Grip :
Poignée droite - a traditional hilt with a slightly curved grip and a large pommel.

Froissement :
Froissement - an attack that displaces the opponent's blade by a strong grazing action.

Glide :
Coulé see coule'.

Guard :
Coquille - the metal cup or bow that protects the hand from being hit. Also, the defensive position assumed when not attacking.

Hilt :
Garde - the handle of a sword, consisting of guard, grip, and pommel.

Homologated :
Homologué - certified for use in FIE competitions, eg. 800N clothing and maraging blades.

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